Changing Seasons #5

Late Fall Grasses and Trees
Frenchtown Pond State Park, Montana

Unusually warm temperatures melted the first valley snow, leaving the grasses golden brown and the trees bare of any leaves. They still created a nice reflection in the warm afternoon light along the edge of the pond.

Using a 25mm wide-angle lens setting and the smallest aperture of f/22, I positioned the camera very close to the foreground grasses. This produced a prominent foreground subject and made all the background sharp. Because there was a slight breeze blowing, I increased the ISO to 400 which produced a 1/50 second shutter speed, fast enough to freeze the motion. Learn how aperture, shutter speed and ISO combine to produce both a proper exposure and a creative effect in all your pictures. My 2022 photography classes are now open for registration. Click here for a list of courses.