Look for a Different Angle

Reflections, Clark Fork River
Missoula, Montana

I stopped at a local park for a brief walk between appointments. After hiking through the ponderosa and cottonwood forest, I arrived at the river. There were the usual tree reflections in the still water, but this snow-covered log lay in their midst. After trying several shots that included the trees on the bank, I switched the lens on my smartphone camera to 3x mode instead of 1x to isolate the log among the trees and clouds reflected in the water.

The entire scene shot with the 1x lens on my smartphone

Using different lens settings on your smartphone camera can help you find the picture in the picture for unique results. Learn more tips in Take Better Pictures with Your Smartphone starting January 16, 2024, at the Lifelong Learning Center in Missoula, Montana. Click for more details and registration info.